Sunday, March 04, 2007

sunday snow

kind of a late one last night
straight work wise though

day 1 of not drinking

didnt get home til after 3am

good shows though

against me! killed it
just as energetic and enthusiastic as last time they came through, with double the crowd to enjoy it

riverboat gamblers had an amazing dancing singer who went balls out getting the crowd involved
dancing on the barricade, jumping from the barricade back onto the stage backwards without looking and nearly wiping out, getting all tangled in the mic cord and then going onto hype our public enemy show next week

"nothings more punk rock than public enemy"

fake problems were bad ass as well

ninjadrome III killed
haitian, hambone, panda watch and the juan maclean
each event they put on brings out the dancing crowd and good times had by all
wilf fucked up his drums second song in early in the night, but i think it worked out to their advantage cause they were able to get a replacement and play to probably more folks all and all

missed a good time
brunch for caseys birthday since i crashed so late

since then

on and off all day
record time walk from winooski to b town
a break with jules that included ahli babas
hours and hours at borders listening to music and reading magazines while putting off my bills and taxes that need to be done

scheduling making cd giving with the fleurious E no Y

interesting listens with tea and belly ache:
the rosebuds
maximo park
chris garneau

think we might check out a flick tonight
not sure

need to get some more sleepy tea and drink more of the happy tea.
try to the 87 golf up and running again now that ive dug it out of the snow
learn how to cook by saturday
buy that camera i was suppose to get myself for christmas

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