Saturday, February 24, 2007

a chair

julia and i retrieved a chair from the langdon street cafe today

heres why

we went there a few months back and had an absolutely wonderful time drawing and drinking tea and such

i drew a nice little pic of the chair on her arm

the next time we came back we saw it again and even took a picture just to have so we could remember a bit more how much fun we had that first time through

after getting home i emailed the cafe and asked what it would take to possibly make the chair ours

a wonderful woman named lisa responded and she ended up allowing me to simply take the chair next time i was there
that next time was today

she was nice enough to share a little bit of history regarding the chair

" The story of the chair: before we ever started the Langdon St.
Cafe, Noah Hahn and I were great college friends. After college, when
I moved to Montpelier, he was known to come visit in his big red Astro
Van. We would drive around and seek adventures wherever we went. We
enjoyed having breakfast at the River Run in Plainfield. One day,
while waiting for a table, we were lingering outside. I saw a chair
next to the dumpster. It was lovely, well-worn, and only slightly
rickety. I coveted it. "When will I ever need this chair?" I asked
Noah. He said, "Who cares? It's great! I have room for it in my van.
Let's load it up." So we did. I hung onto it for about two years. It
became a fixture at the cafe once we opened our doors. And the rest is
history. Now it comes to you! Originally, the chair belonged to the River Run. They did not wish torepair it, which is why it was on its way to the dump. Hail chair
rescue! One of the reasons that I am excited for you to have the chair
is because I believe that you are also rescuing it as I originally
did. I imagine that its life will be longer in your posession than in
the bustling traffic of the Cafe"

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